The 28th Kyoto International Dance Workshop Festival’s Pre-Programme WS

3人の運営するコレクティブ、Clala Projectの領域横断的な手法を体験しませんか?
日時:8月3日(土)& 4日(日)14時15分〜16時45分 (両日受講のできる方を優先させていただきます)
会場:左京東部いきいき市民活動センター 集会室
講師プロフィール:Clala Projectはカナダ・バンクーバーを拠点に活動するコレクティブ。元々はコンテンポラリーダンス作品をメインに制作していたが、近年はダンスの域を越えて役者やコメディアン、ミュージシャン、映像作家との共同制作を主に行う。2024年6月にカナダ国内最大のダンスフェスティバル Dancing on The Edge Festival にてUchi (2023) を上演予定。7月には京都芸術センターにて作品制作。
ワークショップに関するお問い合わせは claladanceproject@gmail.com までメールをご送付ください。
住所:〒606-8432 京都府京都市左京区鹿ケ谷高岸町3−2
アクセス:京都市営地下鉄 東西線 蹴上駅より徒歩15分
京都市バス 京都駅より5,100系統
四条河原町より 5,32,203系統
バス停「東天王町」より徒歩5分 ※駐車場はございません,公共交通機関をお勧めします。
共催:Dance & Environment
Announcing Kyoto International Dance Workshop Festival’s Pre-Programme WS
Clala Project is excited to announce that we will be teaching a two-day workshop in Kyoto, Japan this summer as part of the 28th Kyoto International Dance Workshop Festival’s Pre-Programme series. Please join us to participate in and experience a multidisciplinary creation process using technology, dance/movement and text/language.
《Workshop Details》
Day 1 will begin with movement creation and choreography. Participants will learn and practice techniques of developing choreography and individual movement styles through the dissection of texts. We will experiment shifting and shaping simple language into intricate and individualized choreography, to then further expand their work through an interplay with projected and physical materials. We will continue experimenting on Day 2, and participants will learn basic techniques in filmmaking to capture their and others' works.
Please sign up for registration here.
Date/Time : August 3 (Sat) & 4 (Sun) 2:15pm - 4:45pm
Venue: Sakyo Tobu ikisen
Fees: General; 6000 jpy (2 days)
Youth under 25; 5000 jpy (2 days, please bring ID to confirm your age)
Instructor Profile: Clala Project is a project-based, interdisciplinary group based in Vancouver, Canada. Our collective is run by Tomoyo Yamada, Charlotte Telfer-Wan and Sam Mason. Formally Clala Dance Project, we recently changed our collective name to Clala Project to embrace our multidisciplinary approach in our works. Clala is programmed to perform at Dancing on the Edge Festival this coming June and is invited to create work at Kyoto Art Centre in July.
Please contact us at claladanceproject@gmail.com for any inquiries/questions.
About the venue:
Location: Kyoto City Sakyo East Area Iki-Iki Citizens’ Activity Centre
3-2 Shishigatani Takagishicho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-8432
Produced by Dance&Environment
Co-Produced by Sakyo Tobu-ikisen
Supported by Kyoto Art Centre (Kyoto Arts and Culture Foundation)